
Branding iron with custom logo

Why 1000+ customers choose to order their custom logo branding iron at JH Machining:

  • Best branding irons for wood, leather, cardboard and now food!
  • Highest customer rating in Europe
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Free shipping

A selection of the 1000+ custom-made branding irons that we have delivered to customers:

Branding irons by J.H. Machining

Branding irons by J.H. Machining

Branding irons by J.H. Machining

Branding irons by J.H. Machining

Branding irons by J.H. Machining

Branding irons by J.H. Machining

How does our 100% satisfaction guarantee work?

You can return your branding iron within 30 days, no questions asked.

We are the only provider offering this guarantee for custom-made branding irons.

Why are you the only provider offering ‘100% satisfaction guarantee’?
Before we send your branding iron, we test it on wood and leather to ensure clarity. That’s why we can guarantee the quality of the branding iron.

Of the thousands of branding irons we’ve made, only a few have ever been returned.

Is there a warranty on the heating element?
The electric heating element comes with a 1-year warranty.

Happy customers

99% of our customers recommend J.H. Machining – and over 275 customers rate us with a score of at least 9.6! Read for yourself what customers think of us:

Frequently Asked Questions about ordering from JH Machining:


Use of branding iron

Upload logo

Size of logo


Order a custom-made branding iron in 4 steps? This is how:

1. Order your own branding iron

Go to the product page. Choose the shape and size of the stamp. Upload the picture you want to feature on the stamp and order any accessories.

The price you pay includes VAT, shipping and customs duties.

Branding irons order form

2. Your logo becomes a branding iron

We convert your logo into a Vector image. This is then made into a branding iron by our machine. If we have doubts regarding the image, we will contact you via WhatsApp, telephone or email.

Note: Each branding iron is guaranteed for 2 years.

Branding irons are precision-made by Hidde

3. Your brand stamp will be delivered within 6 working days

Your order will be delivered for free in Europe.  From the moment you order, it takes 6 working days before the branding iron is delivered to your home.

4. Give your creations a personal touch

Time to use your branding iron. The branding iron can be used on leather, wood, cardboard and hard plastics.

Tip: you learn by doing. Try the branding iron a few times on leftover material. Look at our tips for setting the perfect fire stamp.

Branding irons made in The Netherlands
Suitable for logo and text

Start promoting your brand today

Start designing your unique branding iron. 100% satisfaction or your money back. Guaranteed.

Order your branding iron

Branding irons with intricate designs

How do you make a good mark? Here are 3 tips so you can create the perfect mark.

Tip 1: Make sure the branding iron is hot enough.

Fire-heated branding iron
Our fire-heated branding irons must be heated with a gas burner for about 5 to 15 minutes to get up to temperature.

Electric branding iron
The electric branding iron needs 5 to 20 minutes in the socket to warm up properly. The time difference depends on the size of the branding iron.



Branding irons can be fire-heated

Tip 2: Every material is different. Therefore, first test the right temperature on residual material.

The right temperature depends on the material. The softer the material, the faster it burns.

Material that burns quickly: leather, plastic and soft wood. Material that can get hotter: harder wood. Every material type is different. Therefore, before you start, test the fire stamp on some residual material. This way you can confidently test the ideal temperature before you set the perfect brand.



Branding irons leave great marks on leather

Tip 3: Practice makes perfect.

Nobody can do anything perfectly from the start. Unfortunately, this also applies to making your perfect branding iron mark. The perfect combination of how hard you have to press, how long you have to press and the right temperature, you only get by practicing. Do you still have questions? We are happy to help. Feel free to contact us via WhatsApp or email.


Branding irons are precision-made by Hidde

Professional branding iron? Stamp quickly and precisely with our accessories:

Need advice on which branding stamp you need?

We are happy to help. WhatsApp, call or email us!

Contact us

wax seal stamps, precision-made by Hidde